Monday, May 16, 2011

What Teachers Have to Say about my Skype Programs...

The students really enjoyed you coming in our classroom for the Owl program. Learning the calls were their favorite.They have been practising all afternoon. They also enjoyed the game and the answers and information you shared. The video they thought was great because it was across from where you live. The owl skelton they thought looked like a dinosaur and they were impressed at how well they could see it.
I have recommended your programs to our tech teacher and a librarian from another school who is into technology. You are a great resource for classrooms!
Cheryl Hampson Gr 5 teacher Saskatoon, Sask Canada
April 2011

We had a wonderful time with you today. The children enjoyed looking at the bones and doing the Owl calls. We played the game again at recess. I think this will be a popular game for us for a while. They enjoyed all of the information and are already talking about the owls they have in their neighborhood. Now they will know how to look for them.
Your other programs sound interesting as well. We will also keep you in mind for our school year in the Fall. I will pass your link on to other teachers at our school.

Thank you for this presentation,
Deb Dupree Grade 1/2 teacher Iowa, USA
May 2011